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<jue> jaeger: we should change in pmwiki.tmpl http:/crux.nu/portdb to https:/crux.nu/portdb or even better {$ScriptUrl}/portdb
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<jaeger> Sounds good. Do you want me to do that? I rarely touch pmwiki as I'm not very familiar with it but that seems pretty minor
<jue> yeah, please do. I don't have write access right now.
<jaeger> OK
<jaeger> OK, done.
<jue> yep, works again, thanks :)
<jaeger> No problem!
<jaeger> how do you feel about the new setup so far?
<jue> seems to work pretty well so far, I've just locked through the web pages, fixed some minor issues
<jue> everything is really fast, indeed :)
<jaeger> Nice
<jue> hope we get our timeline working again ;)
<jaeger> I was hoping you might take a look at that if time permits, actually. I'm focused on the portdb still and php is not my strongest area
<jue> me neither, but I don't think that I'll be able to fix it. Are the problems php8 related?
<jaeger> I don't think that was the issue with the timeline, just the portdb. PHP is locked to 7.x on the server right now while I rewrite it (a lot) for 8.x
<jaeger> I'll go look back at the timeline cacher and see what the deal was
<jue> ok, great. Thanks a lot :)
<jaeger> Ah, now I remember... had to build php 7.x without openssl support temporarily for the portdb to work. 7.x doesn't build properly against current openssl
<jaeger> So that's not really an easy fix, heh
<jaeger> Hopefully I can get the portdb rewrite sorted soon, then will update php back to 8.x and see if the timeline cacher has other issues
<jaeger> We're lucky the portdb worked for as long as it did, heh... the way it's organized would not have worked in any language with more strict inheritance
<jue> lol
<jaeger> Only the duplicates page is left now
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