<jloc0> beerman: Yep, rebuilt and reinstalled it as well earlier. Nothing missing on webengine, over 55gb free (maybe not enough space?) can’t think of anything based upon the error
<jloc0> Iirc Samba wanted a higher version cython, maybe arm port out of date (I think I looked into that tho) something is amiss
maybe space, yeah, I was asking myself the same but there is no clear sign
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> Morning, for samba, could you please rebuild ldb jloc0 and then give another try to samba? (If you haven't done that)
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> jloc0: for qt6, compiler killed: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus How much swap do you have? I feel that beast will need a lot (probably 16GB swap)
<jloc0> pitillo: I had rebuilt it I think, I’ll try again when home tho and report back
<jloc0> pitillo: Hrm I haven’t changed my swap, ram could be cause, it usually 12gb and I’m just under it right now, I’ll up that and try again. I think my swap is 4gb as well as a 4gb zram as well iirc
things just tend to get bigger, not much us package maintainers can do about it without hacking the codebase and sending PRs upstream :D please try to watch the filesystem space, ram and swap on the next run.
having some basic host monitoring setup might be a good thing here, grafana -> prometheus is the simplest and easiest to setup
<jloc0> beerman: I’ll watch it for a few, while it’s fast on the M1 it still takes some time but it must have grown considerably as the machine been doing fine with 6.6.x
it's chromium, after all :) Building Firefox certainly feels a lot lighter.
Whats worse, imo, is that you get to build chromium a dozen of times. qt6-webengine, then the qt5 version, if you were to build electron, then there is this weird obs plugin that uses its custom chromium base, i dunno I am forgetting things