I've been trying to pinpoint exactly what is needed to get them booting correctly, without luck
ill check out that link
good luck
basically i can boot debian and fedora, but slackware for instance, no dice. comparing kernel configs only goes so far... its way too monolith these days to compare the configs and see what is needed, as each distro is almost completely different with supported things
i'm about to setup crux with debian kernel on a vmware vm tho for shits and giggles
ahh the dreaded e2fsck error
yay got it to boot
triple boot vm: debian, slackware, crux
updated all the ports, yet 'ports -d' shows me things are out-of-sync with the x86 version, so i picked dbus, built the port, but doing a 'pkgadd -u <dbus filename> does nothing
i assume the sig checking knows its from the opt repo and not the core-arm64 repo... a way to force it?
ahh i see -f ;)
still does nothing, ah well
If you're just running in vmware or qemu you can probably use the generic rootfs and a generic kernel config
And yeah, signatures are per-repo
ya i installed the 3.7rc5 rootfs, but there don't seem to be a kernel,config or source included so I assume the arm port is a BYOK situation as of now