jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<frinnst> sorry if there are any issues with resources.crux-arm.nu at the moment, fucking around with some networking :-)
<frinnst> dell x1000-switches are hateful
<frinnst> also fortigate's interface integration/converter wizard is buggy at best
<frinnst> things should be sorted by now, let me know if there are any remaining problems
<jaeger> yuck
<jaeger> unrelated, noticed something odd with a new 3.7 install. A new user created with useradd gets gid 1000 (and no group exists at 1000) but the 'users' group is 100
<jaeger> It used to be that login.defs controlled the default new user GID, I think, but maybe not with all the PAM changes? (haven't tried to dig into it yet)
<frinnst> no, that's related. my shit is now :D
<frinnst> not*
<jaeger> meant that for -devel :D
<jaeger> sorry for the noise
<jaeger> frinnst: though pitillo_ was looking for you recently due to a notice he got about moving the site off
<frinnst> yeah he sent me an email regarding it. I left that job a few months ago. I was under the impression that they would keep hosting it. but tbh i'm not too surprised they bailed
<jaeger> Ah, ok.
<frinnst> I suggested over email to merge it with crux.nu - isn't that doable for most things?
<jaeger> Hope you're doing well in general
<frinnst> atleast ports and stuff
<jaeger> Yeah, would be easy enough from a technical standpoint... I wonder if there's enough space
<frinnst> yeah, now that I left I am :)
<jaeger> Ah, I know how that feels :)
<frinnst> I host most of the binaries on my home server, so should only be git stuff and docs I guess.
<frinnst> email and stuff might be a bit problematic
<frinnst> iirc, crux.nu runs on 2x250gb ssd. did I put some spinning rust in there as well? dont remember
<jaeger> OK. I didn't realize that resources was separate but based on your recent comments that makes sense
<pitillo> yeah, all is fine. We are on the way moving all the stuff
<frinnst> good to hear
<jaeger> No spinning rust, just the 2 SSDs... though that's great
<frinnst> btw there is a OOB card in the server. Charlie said that he had an openvpn solution for it but he never got around to setting it up
<jaeger> yeah, I asked them about it a while back but Charlie had injured his hand or something and was taking a break
<frinnst> the binaries to configure it should still be in my homedir on crux.nu unless its deleted. also, it requires java6 or something
<frinnst> ~2008 tech ftw
<jaeger> I'd probably stick with ipmitool as much as possible for that reason, heh