jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<braewoods> beerman: interesting, i wonder how realistic a port of CRUX would be
<beerman> yeah me too :D too bad there are no pi 4 around to collect, I need a buildfarm lmao
<beerman> otoh, it seems like flatpaks are an option on aarch64, so maybe that will suffice for most needs
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<crux-arm-git> [opt-arm.git/3.6] llvm: updated to 14.0.6
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<pitiIIo> beerman: niiiiiice! we haven't experience with them
<pitiIIo> if it's running linux... why not CRUX?.... CRUX was working on HP Jornada 720.... so probably it should be easier to get it working on the pinephone
<pitiIIo> whatever you do, share with us and if you want to maintain doc, ports.... ping me
<beerman> pitiIIo: will do :) waiting for the shipment notification
<beerman> the s
<beerman> they ship from poland weekly IIRC
<pitiIIo> great
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