jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<jason123onirc> crux arm looks like there are not many packages avaiable for it. Is it still a good choice for arm devices?
<jaeger> Lots of packages for it, or more correctly, ports. It's a source-based distribution with a ports system so as long as you don't mind compiling things, it's great
<jaeger> You can get an idea of available ports from the port databases at https://crux.nu/portdb/ and https://crux.ninja/portdb/ (same content, just different sites)
<jason123onirc> Packages made for crux x86 work on crux arm?
<mechaniputer> Btw it looks like the search is still on 3.5 for some reason
<jaeger> No, x86 packages will not work on both... but ports aren't built packages
<jaeger> And it's entirely possible that some ports won't build on arm without modifications, but those are likely easy modifications if you're comfortable with a source-based distribution anyway
<mechaniputer> jason123onirc: I ran CRUX-arm for years, mostly for a headless Pi. It was pretty nice actually. Just need some patience for compilation. I found that it was often easy to take ports from regular CRUX and change them a little to build them on my Pi. Not alway foolproof, but handy.
<jason123onirc> Yeah I built things from the aur on my pinephone and pinebook pro when it told me that the package might not work on arm.
<jason123onirc> I might try crux on my radxa zero. Not an officialy supported device but crux is built for it.
<jaeger> I'm currently ressurrecting my la frite with crux, also not supported... but not difficult once I got past the u-boot shenanigans
<mechaniputer> jason123onirc: To clarify, consider vim. You won't see a port for vim on the crux-arm site, because one is not needed. The build steps (the port) for regular CRUX works on arm. If suddenly it did not, then an overlay would be created to override the regular one when you try to install it.
<mechaniputer> Some packages (some of the ones in contrib probably) could use an overlay but lack one. In those cases you can probably get it to build with some tweaks.
<jason123onirc> Yeah the ports just compile the package from souce so if the package works on arm then it should work on crux arm
<jaeger> indeed
<jason123onirc> The radxa zero is a new device that is still in develpoment but there is a crux build. I can at least try it
<jason123onirc> How would crux be on the pi 4 8gb?
<jaeger> Should be fine, the pi 4 is solid
<mechaniputer> My headless CRUX Pi was a 1GB dual-core Banana Pi. And even that was fine.
<jason123onirc> How long did things take to do?
<mechaniputer> Well it was mostly just an irc bouncer and my "personal cloud" when I didn't want to crry storage between two places. It did that stuff fine.
<mechaniputer> *carry
<mechaniputer> Compiling updates took some time but I didn't need to watch it.
<jaeger> Man, I just switched my la frite from a super slow USB stick to a fast uSD card, world of difference
<jaeger> didn't realize how terrible that USB stick was, past time to toss it
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<jaeger> I wonder how the radxa zero and raspberry pi zero 2 compare
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<sndwvs> jaeger, I will just update the kernel to 5.15.2
<jaeger> noted, but why tell me? :)
<sndwvs> thought you want to compare radxa zero and raspberry pi zero
<jaeger> Ah, fair enough
<jaeger> I don't have a radxa and my pi 4 is in use on a 3d printer, but will keep it in mind, thanks
<sndwvs> I just updated u-boot to 2021.10
<sndwvs> I realized I thought he was in stock))
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<jaeger> I should time the gcc build on the la frite next time I do it
<jason123onirc> sndwvs thanks i will keep that link noted
<jason123onirc> I only have the pi zero but it can't run crux
<jason123onirc> If I ever get the pi zero 2 I might compare the pi zero and zero 2 with the radxa zero
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