verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
jmd has joined #buildbot
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<cmouse> anyone ran into docker.errors.InvalidVersion: init param is not supported in API versions < 1.25 ?
<cmouse> with 4.0.2?
<cmouse> i know the docker server has API 1.43
<cmouse> but somehow the version is 1.24
<cmouse> nvm, found it
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Denis has joined #buildbot
<Denis> 404 Not Found
<Denis> nginx/1.25.4
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<dol-sen> took a little poking
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<Denis> dol-sen: that's the URL uses for get started -> read the docs, the the web site needs a bit of fixing perhaps
Guest2979 is now known as mjw
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<dol-sen> Denis, yes
mjw is now known as Guest6824
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