verm__ changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-3.5.0 | docs: | tutorial: | irclogs:
<mns> I just came across buildbot via and am going to go through the documentation and tutorial. Two things that I've not come across yet is if workers run on Windows ? And another thing I need is role based access control
<ewong> mns: yes.. it works in Windows..
<ewong> wow.. buildbot is up to 3.5 now..
<mns> ewong: thanks. that helps.
<sknebel> mns: regarding access control, its mostly only suitable for restricting write access. I.e. you can't really set it up so that some builds are entirely invisible to some people
<sknebel> but you can e.g. say "only group X can launch deploy jobs, only group Y can trigger any build for product A, ..."
<sknebel> (we run multiple buildbots for different user groups for this reason, because we have cases where its not acceptable that they know anything about each other)
<mns> sknebel: that's good to know
<mns> thank you
<mns> I'm coming from a Bamboo/Jenkins centric world, this seems a little different from that.
<ewong> mns: funny.. I'm using Jenkins right now (used Buildbot when it was around 0.9) I'm getting irritated by the java update situation.
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<mns> ewong: what is the java update situation you're speaking of ? It seems to me that buildbot can provide a somewhat more flexible software delivery platform. I've yet to go read the docs or anything, just based on what I briefly read and saw on the website.
<mns> I'm exploring other tools out there besides Jenkins.
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<ewong> mns currently at Java 11.. need to update to either 17 or 21 next year. and I *still* haven't figured out how to update windows builders' agent.jar