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<cmouse> does anyone have any idea why this does not work?
<cmouse> it just gives builtins.AttributeError: 'Property' object has no attribute 'split'
<cmouse> the second yield was there just to try get rid of it
mark_ is now known as mjw
<guinevere> cmouse, the error is not in the bit you shared. It will be in how the getProperty method was implemented
<guinevere> the thing that getProperty yields is not an object with the method "split". My guess is that it returns a generator object, rather than a list
<guinevere> or string
<Zash> cmouse, have fun with version 2030 :)
<cmouse> ah
<cmouse> figured it otu
<cmouse> out
<cmouse> seems i was just doing it via wrong interface...
felixfon1ein is now known as felixfontein
thm has joined #buildbot
<thm> The tls option of the DockerLatentWorker takes a docker.tls.TLSConfig object. Actually, it would be nice if it could take a dictionary and call the ctor of TLSConfig itself...
<cmouse> can't you call the ctor with your dict?
<thm> yes
<thm> ah, wait, I misunderstood. I want to call DockerLatentWorker with a dict that I get from a yml file.
<cmouse> right
<cmouse> you could subclass DockerLatentWorker, add 'tls_config' to renderables and then do it yourself =)
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