Hi. Is there a way to make a "buildbot try" command and find out immediately which build/buildrequest ID the job got?
I'm asking because I've developed a GitHub App (Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NpbKEmkvt8 Website: https://github.com/kwk/buildbot-app/) that let's you run try builds and create on demand github checks from github pull requests without giving away the password for the try user. I suggest you watch the video to get an idea or overview of it. I've a minimal master.cfg with an HTTPStatusPush service that talks to my
GitHub App. The HTTP messages I receive are equipped with properties that I initially passed when calling "buildbot try". Now, I would like to avoid the GitHub App altogether. But then I have to manually poll for every check run's builds based on properties. As far as the documentation goes, filtering can only be done on top-level attributes but not on properties (https://docs.buildbot.net/latest/developer/rest.html#filtering).