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<Guest4> hi there all! very beginner/silly question
<Guest4> looking to see if there's any chance there might creative way to cache package dependencies btw builds
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<devo-devo-devo> looking to implement something like this to speed up or internal build workflow
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<glogan> I use the docker containers, and either SCP/S3 the artifacts to a central source, or write them to the worker via a volume
<glogan> depending on what's needed
<glogan> For maven artifacts I just cache on the local workers. For our built tarballs I copy them to a central location, and then pull them back down when building packages
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<devo-devo-devo> thanks glogan!
<devo-devo-devo> what route might you go for python and npm dependencies? would you right those to a volume as well?
<glogan> If you're going with docker containers then yeah. In my case I actually bind-mount a local directory on the worker rather than storing things in a docker volume, but it's the same idea
<glogan> I'd probably do the same without the docker volumes tbh. Just move/copy/rsync the stuff you want somewhere safe
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<devo-devo-devo> glogan thanks again. you wouldn't happen to have any sample or pseudo code I could take a glance at?
<glogan> sure, sec
<glogan> So, this is all ansible-ized, but it should be fairly clear to figure out
<glogan> is setting the latent worker(s) shared volumes (bind mounts) to the underlying storage medium/disk
<glogan> This is set of playbooks is what underpins
<glogan> Our builds call, which sets the relevant environment variables so that the maven dependencies end up in the right places
<glogan> among other things
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