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<Guest34> hi how can i add javascript and/or css to the existing buildbot webpages .. and trigger step -run give the option to show None/Problems/All - it shows "hidden" steps as problems can i not show the hidden steps under "Problems" ?
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<antranigv> Hey all. How can I make sure that only one build will run at a time? or maybe how can I make two build exclusive and wait? basically, I have two builds and I want them to run in order
<glogan> antranigv: worker or master lock to build exclusively. Doesn't guarantee order.
<glogan> use a dependent scheduler to link them in order
<glogan> which, now that I think about it, would also mean you could skip the locks
<antranigv> how about no order, as long as they don't run at the same time
<antranigv> the problem is
<antranigv> I have a single source (git repo) which should build two elixir applications
<antranigv> When they run the steps at the same time, Hex (the package manager) crashes
<antranigv> I can either use nextBuild
<antranigv> or maybe a trigger sched
<antranigv> glogan any thoughts?
<glogan> if you don't care about order, a masterlock is probably easiest
<glogan> especially if you have it working aside from the crashes
<glogan> if you've got more than one worker and are fine with building all the things except that only one build can run on a worker at a time, then you want a workerlock
<antranigv> One worker, builds one-by-one. Okay, this good! thanks a lot glogan
<antranigv> TIL about Manhole
<antranigv> One day, when our company becomes famous, I'll add us to the "who uses buildbot" list
<glogan> is there a list?
<antranigv> glogan where can I read about masterlock?
<glogan> under examples
<antranigv> glogan thanks. I still don't get it, I'll try to read the code
<antranigv> oh I can use the locks in steps
<antranigv> which is what I need, for things like `pkg` and pip and Hex
<glogan> yep
<glogan> can also use them on builders/schedulers
<antranigv> I wonder if there's a way to say "just do one build at a time"
<antranigv> there was like max_count I think
<glogan> one job at a time, on a per-worker basis
<glogan> one job at a time, on a per-builder basis
<glogan> I needed to be able to track three branches, and be able to build them all independently. But only one build at a time, on a per-branch basis. And only one build per node since our workers don't have the memory do to more.
<antranigv> glogan how can I buy you coffee?
<glogan> :)
<antranigv> or tea, if you prefer
<antranigv> glogan it worked! thank you! <3
<glogan> +1
<antranigv> oh god I can't believe there's no proper buildbot slack reporter