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<rjarry> p12tic: I found what was the problem
<rjarry> v58.0.0 Breaking Changes " Removed support for 2to3 during builds. "
<rjarry> and Tempita 0.5.2 has use_2to3=True in setup.py
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<felixfontein> ah, that's a good hint why something else (completely unrelated to this) started failing for me yesterday; the error message involved pip and something with 2to3 :)
<cmouse> "
<cmouse> #2769: Build now fails fast when use_2to3 is supplied.
<cmouse> "
<cmouse> =)
<rjarry> we need to remove the dependency to sqlalchemy-migrate
<rjarry> and use alembic instead
<rjarry> I'm not sure there is another option
<rjarry> tardyp, p12tic any thoughts about this?
<felixfontein> cmouse: exactly ;)
<rjarry> in the meantime, I have frozen setuptools<58
<p12tic> rjarry: Could you please file a short bug report on github so that people see?
<rjarry> sure
<p12tic> I agree that move to alembic is the best solution
<p12tic> rjarry: how exactly do you install buildbot? I couldn't reproduce locally even with setuptools 58
<p12tic> Python 3.8.10 here
<rjarry> I'll find an exact reproducer
<rjarry> it is possible that you have Tempita-0.5.2 in your local pip cache
<rjarry> Tempita-0.5.2-py3.whl I mean
<rjarry> which means that pip does not re-build it
<p12tic> yes
<p12tic> that was it
<p12tic> thanks
<rjarry> p12tic: crap, same problem with funcparserlib https://github.com/vlasovskikh/funcparserlib/blob/0.3.6/setup.py#L8
<p12tic> what if we just remove it from requirements-ci.txt? what's the actual package that requires it?
<rjarry> i tried removing it
<rjarry> it is dragged by another package, but I don't see which one
<rjarry> https://libraries.io/pypi/funcparserlib/dependents <-- probably "blockdiag"
<p12tic> probably via sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
<rjarry> yes
<rjarry> that reminds me this https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/5171 :)
<p12tic> yes
* rjarry has opened pandora's box
<rjarry> it looks like I have no other choice but to fix it
<rjarry> :)
<p12tic> I think let's move to svg
<rjarry> yes
<rjarry> I had completely set this aside
<rjarry> I'm looking for a migration guide: sqlalchemy-migrate -> alembic
<rjarry> it does not look seamless
<rjarry> unfortunately
<p12tic> i've been thinking about alembic for a long time
<p12tic> don't worry about it :) it's time to fix this, i've already started
<rjarry> ah, that's good news !
<p12tic> what makes sense to do in this case is to force user to be upgraded to the latest sqlalchemy-migrate version
<rjarry> what do you mean ?
<p12tic> then we know the state of the database, dump the sqlalchemy-migrate table, create what's needed for alembic and then can start upgrading alembic
<rjarry> ah ok
<p12tic> sqlalchemy-migrate version == the version of buildbot DB in sqlalchemy terms
<p12tic> *sqlalchemy-migrate terms
<rjarry> I'll take care of blockdiag removal first
<rjarry> since this is trivial
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<rjarry> p12tic: argl, CI fails because of tempita :)
<rjarry> how advanced are you with this alembic thing ?
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<p12tic> rjarry: didn't see your message
<p12tic> i have svgs for blockdiag
<rjarry> I have pushed a commit
<p12tic> crap, so we duplicate a bit of work
<rjarry> erf
<p12tic> sorry about that
<rjarry> I thought you had seen my message
<rjarry> [13:05] <rjarry> I'll take care of blockdiag removal first
<rjarry> np
<p12tic> i understand, but i didn't see the message, sorry
<rjarry> it didn't take me too much time
<rjarry> :)
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<p12tic> not all work has been duplicated because i was too lazy to convert master/docs/developer/www-data-module.rst
<p12tic> so we can use your images in that page
<rjarry> i copied the svg code from previous docs
<rjarry> looks good
<p12tic> we had svgs before?
<rjarry> "error in Tempita setup command: use_2to3 is invalid."
<p12tic> yes, we will need to resolve both at the same time
<rjarry> right click on images, inspect
<rjarry> select the svg element
<rjarry> copy -> copy element
<rjarry> I pasted this into svg files
* rjarry is lazy
<p12tic> :)
<p12tic> i took time to rewrite the images in the same complex style that we use elsewhere
<rjarry> haha
<rjarry> your images look nicer
<rjarry> however it looks like you left some temp files
<rjarry> do you need to commit png files?
<rjarry> I'll comment on the PR
<p12tic> i've integrated your images to my PR
<p12tic> i'm not sure why we're generating png
<p12tic> in the past there was a reason
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<rjarry> p12tic: you can close https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/5171 saying it is fixed by your PR
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<p12tic> done, thanks
<p12tic> rjarry: https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/6224 is for alembic migration
<p12tic> should be good enough for testing
<rjarry> p12tic: how does the switch from existing migration table to the new one work N
<rjarry> ?
<p12tic> we require that migrate_version is 58 before upgrade
<p12tic> if this is the case, we know how the database schema looks like
<p12tic> so we remove migrate_version table and add alembic_version table with version set to 001
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