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<set_> Guest4494: That is awesome and extravagant in many ways. One could just purchase the board and remove the headers.
<set_> For instance, if you wanted to get one without headers, I am not that person to chat with currently.
<set_> But! Removing the solder is done easily. Heat and repeat...I never thought of it like that.
<set_> So, you are saying that people may sell them without headers?
<set_> I am by far clueless now. Hmm. No headers. Like, just plain, ole through holes?
<Guest4494> set_, yeah, that's what I told folks.  We also considered the PocketBeagle but it looks like that's been discontinued.
<set_> Hmm. Neat...I would not do it but who knows.
<set_> There may be people that have them without the headers.
<Guest4494> I've not been able to find any w/o headers, of which I'm not surprised.  But I figured I should ask around.
<set_> There is a discord too.
<set_> Some people may frequent there in the discord. I try to frequent there but I am little man on the todem pole over here.
<set_> Just some passerby.
<set_> But, in my history, I have not seen anyone with the headers fully removed.
<Guest4494> I got the request second hand and I haven't talked yet to the people who actually made the request.  I think they're thinking something like a RPi compute module because they want to plug it into a larger system.  But I suspect they're missing a lot of details, e.g., a need for CAN bus transceivers which we currently get via the Comms cape.
<set_> Hmm...
<Guest4494> set_ Thanks, I'll check the discord channel, too, just to be thorough.
<set_> i2c on the BBB or idustrial is what is used for cape compatibility.
<set_> industrial!
<set_> Blah.
<set_> Something like eeprom via i2c headers... I am highly unfamiliar with the eeprom dumping and all those ideas.
<set_> admission is the first step!
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