* NishanthMenon waits till someone finds aasrc :D
<NishanthMenon> russ, np.
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<zmatt> NishanthMenon: on the j721e ? yeah I've seen it
<zmatt> useful thing to have
<NishanthMenon> zmatt yup
<zmatt> ATL is useful too, but on previous SoCs was for some reason was efused out in broadmarket chips and still isn't properly documented
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<Duality> hey
<Duality> how are you all :)
<Duality> Has anyone got experience on making a linux kernel for the beagleboneblack that is just the bare minimum to run a system and have serial console?
<Duality> I tried to generate a tiny config and enable omap related things but For now I don't even have console output :)
<Duality> so it is very difficult to know what is happening and figuring out what is missing
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<zmatt> Duality: I mean, I've configured out kernel to be a lot slimmer than the default, though it certainly has a lot more than the "bare minimum"
<zmatt> Duality: these seem to be the relevant config vars for the serial console: https://pastebin.com/raw/ZnZZSbUj (along with the console=ttyS0,115200n8 kernel parameter that u-boot will normally pass)
<zmatt> and while you're debugging things you'll want to avoid passing the 'quiet' kernel parameter
<zmatt> not sure what else might matter... some general architectural options obviously, like CONFIG_SOC_AM33XX=y and various CONFIG_OF_* things
<zmatt> Duality: this is my kernel config, in case you want to compare: https://github.com/dutchanddutch/bb-kernel/blob/am33x-v4.14/patches/defconfig .. or you can share your config if you want me to give it a quick glance
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<zmatt> jkridner: apparently the matrix bridge to libera is now working, and logging is up, so I think we're ready to update https://beagleboard.org/chat and actually move?
<zmatt> maybe we should have an announcement of the move somewhere to which we can link from the channel topic of the freenode channel (to avoid putting the word "libera" in topic)
<zmatt> ah they also have their own kiwiirc hosted: https://web.libera.chat/#beagle
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<kveremitz> oh thats neat (kiwi) despite the lead dev baling out
<kveremitz> so much fallout from this split
<zmatt> yeah I saw prawnsalad's gist
<zmatt> at this point it doesn't even really matter anymore what happened exactly or who is/was "right", the mass channel hijacking on freenode was such a spectacular display of technical and social ineptitude that it's pretty much ritual suicide
<zmatt> by making sure that anyone who was still on the fence about moving got yeeted over that fence :P
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<zmatt> but it's unfortunate prawnsalad quit everything irc-related over this whole thing