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<milkylainen> hmm. not specific for arm, but a mmap:ed mtdblock that reads on fault, how much is typically faulted? It looks like there is a significant delay, so suspecting more than a couple of pages?
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<ukleinek> lag: I got an autoreply from your address. An HTML-only mail that my mutt displays as empty.
<bjdooks> ukleinek: i think that's an "no longer here" email
<lag> ukleinek: Let me check that - best not to email it :)
<ukleinek> <div dir="ltr">Apologies, this mailbox is no longer monitored.  Please update your contact information.<div><br></div><div>Kind regards,</div><div>Lee</div></div>
<lag> ukleinek: Thanks for the report
<geertu> lag: yummy, base64 encoded text/html
<geertu> Probably that's done deliberately, to make sure it's blocked by vger when sent to the list by accident? ;-)
<lag> geertu: Gmail!
<lag> I'm not sure there's much I can do about it?
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<krzk> lag: hire yourself back and fix the responder :)
<krzk> much easier than submitters using
<bjdooks> ukleinek: i'll get the v8 of the dwc-pwm out today, althogh technically i'm not being paid and we had to send the hardware back last week
<lag> krzk: :)
<lag> I might just turn it off now - people have had enough warning
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<javierm> krzk: to be fair with submitters, there's only a .mailmap entry for lag in next, not even in Torvalds' tree yet
<lag> javierm: That's a fair point - perhaps I'll wait for that to drop, then turn down the OoO
<javierm> lag: up to you. What I tried to say is that even (with --git-fallback which is the default) will provide folks your wrong email address
<mvaittin> Lee has left the building? Jumped to an another one?
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<lag> mvaittin: :)
<mvaittin> lag: congraz I suppose :) Sounds like you've found some new challenges!
<lag> mvaittin: Yes, thank you - not gone far - still here and maintaining though
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<mvaittin> lag: Never doubted that. Maintenance is kind of not bound to a company ;) If I was a cat I would've been killed ages ago - so, how far is far? 3 letters with capital A?
<lag> mvaittin: Nope
<Xogium> maybe ~ ? ;)
<mvaittin> Ok. Keep your dirty secrets then :p Good to hear you're still continuing in Qommunity. Oh, I mean community. This capital Q just escaped my keyboard O_o;
<lag> Not a secret and totally Googleable
<lag> I just don't want to go around shouting about it - you'll know what I mean when you find out
<javierm> mvaittin: you can check the .mailmap entry in next :)
<mvaittin> lag: Sure! Understood and didn't mean to offend :)
<Xogium> slight OT but honestly, am I the only one who finds that virsh's destroy command is scary both in having to type and in the output it replies with ?
<lag> mvaittin: Totally not offended
<Xogium> makes it sounds like you deleted the vm ;)
* ukleinek confirms its googleable (even when using duckduckgo)
<mvaittin> Since Sep 2022? In which kind of a rabbit hole have I lived not to notice that? Well, hope you'll have fun there :)
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<lag> ukleinek: Try and send the email again
<lag> ukleinek: My Mutt reads it just fine
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