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[Discord] <amazingfate> gdm and gnome wayland session will check gpu render device at /dev/dri/card*, while mali DDK driver won't create this node, so it is treated as non-DRM-compatiable platform, I don't know why gnome 46 on noble can directly load gnome wayland session with EGL libmali library.
[Discord] <erayrafet> It comes in handy quite often.
[Discord] <mecoblock> really does
[Discord] <mecoblock> I'll host it later on probably webapt.sbcwiki . com or something
[Discord] <erayrafet>
[Discord] <erayrafet> 😄
[Discord] <runaway97> how did you bend you monitor this way?
[Discord] <erayrafet> It's my ultra-wide camera not doing lens distortion correction.
[Discord] <erayrafet> I'm using Gcam. Gotta figure out a fix for it.
[Discord] <runaway97> interesting
[Discord] <erayrafet> More on networking: before switching to full firmware, Bluetooth wasn't discovering my stereo. Now it finds it but won't connect.
[Discord] <erayrafet> Paired but Disconnected.
[Discord] <mecoblock> yeah no idea about that one
[Discord] <erayrafet> I'm testing UEFI+mainline -- so much potential!
[Discord] <mecoblock> uefi + mainline is how I ran Genio too
[Discord] <mecoblock> using uefi to boot of sd card feels cursed but it works
[Discord] <mecoblock> I think I could also use usb but haven’t tried that yet
[Discord] <erayrafet> I flashed UEFI to my SPI.
[Discord] <erayrafet> Much cleaner!
[Discord] <mecoblock> edk2 is definitely a clean solution, I'm bond to u-boot's implementation on Genio but that also works good so I can’t complain
[Discord] <mecoblock> edk2 is definitely a clean solution, I'm bound to u-boot's implementation on Genio but that also works good so I can’t complain
[Discord] <erayrafet> ff1a73e8
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