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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> Slight offtopic
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> How can we find the official full/in depth details of a custom amlogic chip used in a android TV?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> After installing aida64 and checking the specs, i couldn't find any model matching the specs. But it came close to S928X chip.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <adeepv> you can search it on https://www.amlogic.com/Product/Stencil.html#Products
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> Oh that's a lot.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> Problem is I don't know official name since i think its custom. Aida64 its a penta core A55 cpu
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> Problem is I don't know official name since i think its custom. Aida64 says its a penta core A55 cpu
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <adeepv> nobody knows all the amlogic chips)
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> Got info that it could be T963D4
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> Anyway to get detailed information if this chip?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <vaas1401> In this link, on clicking on a product doesn't do anything.