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<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> the blobs don't allow that, wtf
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> amlogic secret sauce firmware throttles for no reason whatsoever most of the time, this is weird
<DC-IRC> <nicod_sbc> Indeed shouldn't be possible. But it doesn't seem to cate with what we think. This is a board breaking bug. I stopped it at 100C. I wonder if it would shut down at some critical temp a little higher.
<DC-IRC> <nicod_sbc> Indeed shouldn't be possible. But it doesn't seem to care with what we think. This is a board breaking bug. I stopped it at 100C. I wonder if it would shut down at some critical temp a little higher.
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> do you have more than one board with this chip? I wonder if something is wrong with the supervisor MCU hardware
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> that entire power and thermal management system is out of our hands
<DC-IRC> <nicod_sbc> I only have the VIM2 with this SoC. Other VIM boards seem fine.
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> Hello I'm having problems mounting my External Hard drive on Armbian. Do you guys have any ideas what the problem may be?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> It would help to give some more details like errors/messages/output and what devices you are using
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 I'll get one for you. Just give me a moment.
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 Here's what I got.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> How is it formatted?
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 It's my Windows drive. But also my Linux drive doesn't work either.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> Is that a fresh Armbian install or have you modified things like the kernel?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> the gvfs daemon could also be not happy with it having a space in its name
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> The way to test that would be to mount it by hand on the command line
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 It's an Older Version I need to update my Odroid N2+.
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 What's the Storage mounting command again?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media (to test this)
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> Also what's the OS update command to update my entire system?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> if that succeeds then at least it will mount properly.. then sudo umount /media
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> You'll have to check the Armbian documentation on the site..... I use my own custom images for my machines.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> I don't want to give you incorrect update procedures just in-case there's a menu/helper to do it
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 Here's how my screen looks.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> Thats not what I told you to type
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> I first tried sudo mount /dev/sda2/media.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> space between sda2 and /media
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> Ooooooooo...
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 It's saying media mount point doesn't exist.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> show me your exact cmd
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> you are not typing what I told you....
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 I tried typing in what you said in different ways but I got "can't find in /etc/fstab."
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> I'm trying what you asked me to type in and I don't understand what's going on.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> you keep putting the / after sda2 instead of before media and leaving a space between sda2 and /
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> its not /dev/sda2/
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> its /dev/sda2 and /media
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @tenkawa42 Hold on something happened. Give me one moment.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> says in the prompt wrong fstype not supported. what is the fstype on the drive?
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> @c0rnelius77 How do I check that again?
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> either with a gui like `gparted` or see if it comes up under `sudo blkid`
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> something like `sudo blkid | grep sda`
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> Here's what I have.
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> I also tried my Linux Drive and it's not working either.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> so it's ntfs. install it. `sudo apt install ntfs-3g`
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> @c0rnelius77 yeah.. ntfs-3g and gfvs strikes again
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> @c0rnelius77 yeah.. ntfs-3g and gvfs strikes again
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> I truly despise gvfs some days
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> It's downloading, one moment.
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> I'm in finally!!! Let me see if I can Read and Write files again.
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> IT WORKS!!! Thank You @tenkawa42 and @c0rnelius77!!!
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> ur welcome. enjoy.,
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> np.. have fun and enjoy
<DC-IRC> <afro_lion> I'll do my best!😁