<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> Hey, just wanted to pop in and ask 2 main things:
<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> 1: Is there a solution for screen tearing on the ODROID N2+? I have the Panfrost driver installed and I’m getting screen tearing.
<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> 2. I’m getting 500 Mbps when other devices get the full 1Gbps on the exact same Ethernet connection. Is the u-boot up to date on the XFCE image? Is there something else known to cause this problem?
<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> Hey, just wanted to pop in and ask 2 main things:
<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> 1: Is there a solution for screen tearing on the ODROID N2+? I have the Panfrost driver installed and I’m getting screen tearing.
<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> 2: I’m getting 500 Mbps when other devices get the full 1Gbps on the exact same Ethernet connection. Is the u-boot up to date on the XFCE image? Is there something else known to cause this problem?
_whitelogger has joined #armbian-amlogic
<DC-IRC> <IgorPec> our autotest report shows no problems ...
<DC-IRC> <Sagely_One> Thanks for checking. As a little background context: I was trying to use my Odroid N2+ for the Nvidia GeForce Now game streaming service, which my friend’s MacBook does perfectly on the same connection, achieving gigabit speeds with sub-10ms latency. But I just can’t get beyond 500Mbps and no better than 30ms latency with the N2+…