<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> IMHO moving to 6.0 is a mistake project wide
<Armbian-Discord> <m​arcone> Yeah, I'm a bit surprised by that, especially since when I do my Radxa Zero build, I see in output/debug/patching.log that it's applying patches from patch/kernel/meson64-edge (which is a symlink to patch/kernel/archive/meson64-6.0), but it's still using kernel 5.19.17, so it looks like it's applying patches meant for a different kernel version.
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> @rpardini any idea why would sm1 (bananapi m5) have troubles mounting root with 5.19.y while it works with 6.0
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> Well grab a dmesg so we can see; but in general, yes, we've done fixes on 6.0 that haven't been done on 5.19. For example the AXG clock phase fix that adeepv did is only in 6.0. It fixes the Radxa Zero, which is also SM1. I don't have a BPiM5 to test, so I'm speculating.
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> i have included those three patches to the kernel. well, situation is - it sometimes doesn't init sd card
<Armbian-Discord> <c​0rnelius> @Tonymac32 are you suggesting the project shouldn't move to 6.x.y? @marcone the current patch should work just fine on 6.x.y. So adding it to that patch directory should be enough.
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> A lot of crap going on in it and not an LTS.
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