configuration. However, I have no idea where that needs to be applied and I don't even know if that is something that needs to be compiled into kernel or somewhere else or just a config file change on armbian. Sorry to be so dumb but my knowledge of linux is mostly 'user space'.
<mhawkins_consult> configuration. However, I have no idea where that needs to be applied and I don't even know if that is something that needs to be compiled into kernel or somewhere else or just a config file change on armbian. Sorry to be so dumb but my knowledge of linux is mostly 'user space'.
I am now reading up on dts. Trying to learn as much as I can to avoid newb questions as much as I can.
[Discord] <igorpec> develing overlay is the right path. we don't want to have this enabled by default. I think the one on last link could work
thanks Igor. I guess I need to read up on "developing overlay".
A basic question. Am I going to need to check in/check out from github in order to perform this? Or, can I do it on a device by itself?
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[Discord] <igorpec> you can do it by hand on the device. anyway this needs to be tested