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<DC-IRC> <wernher_von_data> Hi, don't know if this is a good place for such question: got a BPI M2B with Allwinner chip. Want to learn a bit more C in context of hardware stuff. I used a GPIO using a libgpiod library to turn on/off led. Now I would like to learn a bit more about programming with hardware PWM. If I'm not mistaken it will require some interaction directly with chip PWM controller by its registers.
<DC-IRC> <wernher_von_data> Could you pinpoint me to some good specs/docs where I can read how to do it and with which registers I should interact? I was looking on A40i (this is on my BPI) docs, but didn't see anything particular there 🤔. The pin that I'm thinking is marked as PB3 and PWM1 which is line 35 on the gpio in the `/sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/*/pinmux-pins`
<DC-IRC> <wernher_von_data> Sorry If I sound stupid - learning new stuff here.
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> There's just not a lot of good data out there... Definitely probably would get better response on the forum. Otherwise really just digging straight into the kernel documentation.
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> Iibgpiod still seems limited it didn't even support pull-ups and pull-downs for a long time
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> Have you looked into mraa as it does seem to be a rising star?
<DC-IRC> <wernher_von_data> Nope, didn't hear about it. I'll take a look, thanks
<DC-IRC> <wernher_von_data> And will set a topic on forum afterwards (depending on my findings)