<DC-IRC> <AndyADD> I have an orange pi zero 2, 23.02 focal, kernel 4.9. Two GPIO pins, ph5, and ph6, I am wanting to use for serial, but it seems they are defaults for i2c, and spi, what do I need to so I can use them for RX,TX?
<DC-IRC> <Werner> Checked available overlays?
<DC-IRC> <AndyADD> Well, thing is in armbianEnv.txt I put "uart2" in "overlays" but that didn't make a difference. I assume ttyS2 is for uart2. To check for overlays isn't it `modprobe` ?
<DC-IRC> <fifty> I have a mangopi mq pro, I've dd-ed this image ( https://www.armbian.com/mangopi-mq-pro/ ) to sdcard but im getting error on uboot phase
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i remember using the 5.19 image like a year ago and it worked, i can paste the error in a sec
<DC-IRC> <fifty> https://termbin.com/5217
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ```
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ sha256sum Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz
<DC-IRC> <fifty> baf7d0dfec8bb92de53d05d18ec6d4f57b6ed757f4b1e973f89b60bccd9ea6c4 Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ xzcat Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz > Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ sync
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((512*8192)) Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img /mnt
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ ls /mnt/
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/sys': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/srv': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/proc': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/root': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> bin boot core.18125 dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ```
<DC-IRC> <fifty> Are you sure the image is properly built?
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ```
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ sha256sum Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz
<DC-IRC> <fifty> baf7d0dfec8bb92de53d05d18ec6d4f57b6ed757f4b1e973f89b60bccd9ea6c4 Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ xzcat Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz > Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ sync
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((512*8192)) Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_sid_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img /mnt
<DC-IRC> <fifty> tgq@playground:~$ ls /mnt/
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/sys': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/srv': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/proc': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ls: cannot access '/mnt/root': Structure needs cleaning
<DC-IRC> <fifty> bin boot core.18125 dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var
<DC-IRC> <fifty> ```
<DC-IRC> <fifty> Are you sure the image is properly built? The hash matches but there are filesystem errors after mounting the image
<DC-IRC> <fifty> I downloaded "Armbian Sid minimal" from the bottom of the page, hash matches andthere is no filesystem issue like in the one above
<DC-IRC> <fifty> let's see if it boots
<DC-IRC> <fifty> the same boot error
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> @fifty where did you get that `sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((512*8192))` incantation from
<DC-IRC> <fifty> that's to mount the rootfs
<DC-IRC> <fifty> check fdisk -l on the .img file to see which sector the rootfs starts from
<DC-IRC> <fifty> but it seems it's not rootfs issue
<DC-IRC> <fifty> it is uboot or kernel
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i tried image 5.19 and it wored out o fthe box
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> why do you think `4194304` offset helps you?
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i think like 13 january it was
<DC-IRC> <fifty> because
<DC-IRC> <fifty> rotofs starts at offset 8192
<DC-IRC> <fifty> of the img file.
<DC-IRC> <fifty> it is mount, not dd
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> well you get my drift.
<DC-IRC> <fifty> btw there were 2 more people with same boot error
<DC-IRC> <fifty> in forum soemwhere
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> you definitely should build an img yourself and check. burn it to media and plug it in then mount, don't guess offsets.
<DC-IRC> <AndyADD> So I am in a pickle, and not sure what to do, on my orange pi zero 2 I amd wanting to use /dev/ttyS0 for serial communication. The program that uses it runs under user "pi" that obviously doesn't have the permission to use it. the user is in tty, and dialout group, but the permission settings only alow for root to read/write, and only write in group, I attempted to change permission with `chmod`, `chown` even added udev rules `KERNEL
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i absolutely do not understand you
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i downloaded the full image from site, dd-ed it, it doesnt work
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i downloaded odler one, dd-ed agaon and it works
<DC-IRC> <fifty> the things above seem to be irrelevant i think, it just was some looking around
<DC-IRC> <fifty> the problem seems to be somewhere early in the boot but i dont know much about that
<DC-IRC> <fifty> i dont "guess offsets"
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> yeah if that is the case, you could try _building an img yourself_ instead of _downloading it_ and check
<DC-IRC> <rpardini> if you build, same problem, you find code, fix it, send PR, help others.