good, ninja-build comes bundled with Ubuntu jammy
ninja-build is already the newest version (1.10.1-1)
ok wait
yeah didnt have libglib2.0-dev
cloning navit now
Run-time dependency libgps found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Message: Unable to find a Navit dependency, skipping build
Library ArduiPi_OLED found: NO
Build targets in project: 1
skips the navit build but not maptool
so ninja -j5 should work
ah so thats normal, cool
if you get any compile errors tell me
nope all good.
now, there is a maptool folder inside the navit folder, and also a maptool.p folder inside the builddir folder, all in the Navit build directory. What exactly am I copying into the Translations directory of ogr2osm-translations
in builddir there should be a 'maptool' binary
did you run ninja in builddir
yes I cd'd like you said
yeah theres the executable, nice
so just copying that should work
did it build quickly?
i might do a rough draft update of the readme
yeah like 20 seconds , is that expected?
yeah on my system it takes 5 or so but i have an nvme
lol show off
tell me if maptool works. i've tested it with osm maps
thats brilliant Jookia
you don't need ogr2osm for osm maps
just maptool
what format? pbf?
osm xml
ahh yeah I can only download a small area directly from osm but thats fine
i was using overpass.api
not sure what pbg is, maybe that would work
dont worry about it
if maptool has an option for that it could work, try doing the maptool --help
i did see some protobuf code
its late there, I can tell you how it went tomorrow if you prefer?
ill create a map for myself for Castle Leslie in Monaghan, its only 17 miles away across the border and I want to go there anyway
Thanks for your help, I'll chuck something in the readme to remind myself. Maptool was always tricky for me. Sleep well
Its part of the Ghost House story, dunno if Xogium ever mentioned that
Command 'maptool' not found, but can be installed with:
peterm6881: ./maptool
i havent a clue , thats why i need experts
best not to rely on any ubuntu version
run ./maptool
put ./ in front of it
yeah I understood that, but I should have known. IM such a noob
just write it down for readme if you can
absolutely. I have it all down on paper. Remind what ./ does
in linux to run an executable it must either be in a /bin, or /usr/bin or a 'global' directory, or you have to specify a path to it. in this case ./ means current directory
if you were in the 'navit' directory you'd run builddir/maptool
or anywhere you'd run ~/navit/builddir/maptool
or maybe even /home/peter/navit/builddir/maptool . dunno if that's the full path
ahh i didnt think i needed it because I was in navit/builddir
right where the maptool executable is
yeah that's a windows thing
indeed! interestingly there is a version of Maptool in the Ubuntu repositories but not arch.
Cant trust it to remain there though, itll prob be deprecated
i would recommend to only use the maptool that matches the navit binary on the device if possible. not sure what the compatibility process is
can you check the readme and let me know if I should make any changes
looks fine if you tested it
no not yet, I wanted to be clear what the repo is expecting. I can edit again
Jookia, did I understand you correctly that you were able to convert an osm file for your town?
i used maptool for taht
thats the part i couldnt get to work, so Im trying a shapefile set from Overpass API. Can you remember how you converted your osm file
do you have the command
./maptool -U out.bin < in.osm
replace out.bin with bin name
you want
and in.osm with path to osm file
looks like osm uses the word roads instead of HERE's streets
probably yeah
i see the scripts need the accompanying shx files, do they need anythuing else?
not sure
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board files have landed. Only a week late
ogr2osm filled my 8gb RAM then killed itself. Ive now increased my swap space from 0.5 GB to 16 GB. I can confirm the conversion script requires the associated shx file to shp files, but does not require .prj, .cpg or .dbf that normally also come as commponents of shapefiles
thats more like it, machine still responsive
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'items'
sadly the scripts cant convert osm derived shapefiles from geofabrik (not Overpass API, thats for osm
yeah they're for HERE shapefiles only
fair enough, I'll just have to try maptool again
ok I think im done with the ogr2osm-translations repo. I sthere anything you would change about the readme or does it make sense
ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley edited a repository
think it is fine
its mainly for me, if a dumbass like me can understand it, and come back to and and make it work after 6 months, anybody can hop on there and get somewhere never having seen it
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is this something I should be concerned about?
that basically means anyone in the repo can push to it