peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> E: Unable to locate package ninja
<peterm6881> could it be ninja-build?
<Jookia> yes
<Jookia> need libglib2.0-dev too i think
<peterm6881> good, ninja-build comes bundled with Ubuntu jammy
<peterm6881> ninja-build is already the newest version (1.10.1-1)
<peterm6881> ok wait
<peterm6881> yeah didnt have libglib2.0-dev
<peterm6881> cloning navit now
<peterm6881> Run-time dependency libgps found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
<peterm6881> Message: Unable to find a Navit dependency, skipping build
<peterm6881> Library ArduiPi_OLED found: NO
<peterm6881> Build targets in project: 1
<Jookia> yep
<Jookia> skips the navit build but not maptool
<Jookia> so ninja -j5 should work
<peterm6881> ah so thats normal, cool
<Jookia> if you get any compile errors tell me
<peterm6881> nope all good.
<peterm6881> now, there is a maptool folder inside the navit folder, and also a maptool.p folder inside the builddir folder, all in the Navit build directory. What exactly am I copying into the Translations directory of ogr2osm-translations
<Jookia> in builddir there should be a 'maptool' binary
<Jookia> did you run ninja in builddir
<peterm6881> yes I cd'd like you said
<peterm6881> yeah theres the executable, nice
<peterm6881> outstanding
<Jookia> so just copying that should work
<Jookia> did it build quickly?
<peterm6881> i might do a rough draft update of the readme
<peterm6881> yeah like 20 seconds , is that expected?
<Jookia> yeah on my system it takes 5 or so but i have an nvme
<peterm6881> lol show off
<peterm6881> :)
<Jookia> tell me if maptool works. i've tested it with osm maps
<peterm6881> thats brilliant Jookia
<Jookia> you don't need ogr2osm for osm maps
<Jookia> just maptool
<peterm6881> ahhh
<peterm6881> what format? pbf?
<Jookia> osm xml
<peterm6881> ahh yeah I can only download a small area directly from osm but thats fine
<peterm6881> i was using overpass.api
<Jookia> not sure what pbg is, maybe that would work
<Jookia> pbf*
<peterm6881> protobuf
<peterm6881> dont worry about it
<Jookia> if maptool has an option for that it could work, try doing the maptool --help
<Jookia> i did see some protobuf code
<peterm6881> its late there, I can tell you how it went tomorrow if you prefer?
<Jookia> sure
<peterm6881> ill create a map for myself for Castle Leslie in Monaghan, its only 17 miles away across the border and I want to go there anyway
<Jookia> neat
<peterm6881> Thanks for your help, I'll chuck something in the readme to remind myself. Maptool was always tricky for me. Sleep well
<Jookia> ty
<peterm6881> Its part of the Ghost House story, dunno if Xogium ever mentioned that
<Jookia> ah
<peterm6881> Jookia, are you still there?
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/navit/builddir$ maptool --help
<peterm6881> sudo apt install maptool
<peterm6881> Command 'maptool' not found, but can be installed with:
<Jookia> peterm6881: ./maptool
<peterm6881> :)
<peterm6881> i havent a clue , thats why i need experts
<peterm6881> best not to rely on any ubuntu version
<Jookia> run ./maptool
<Jookia> put ./ in front of it
<peterm6881> yeah I understood that, but I should have known. IM such a noob
<peterm6881> thanks
<Jookia> just write it down for readme if you can
<peterm6881> absolutely. I have it all down on paper. Remind what ./ does
<Jookia> in linux to run an executable it must either be in a /bin, or /usr/bin or a 'global' directory, or you have to specify a path to it. in this case ./ means current directory
<Jookia> if you were in the 'navit' directory you'd run builddir/maptool
<Jookia> or anywhere you'd run ~/navit/builddir/maptool
<Jookia> or maybe even /home/peter/navit/builddir/maptool . dunno if that's the full path
<peterm6881> ahh i didnt think i needed it because I was in navit/builddir
<peterm6881> right where the maptool executable is
<Jookia> yeah that's a windows thing
<peterm6881> indeed! interestingly there is a version of Maptool in the Ubuntu repositories but not arch.
<peterm6881> Cant trust it to remain there though, itll prob be deprecated
<Jookia> i would recommend to only use the maptool that matches the navit binary on the device if possible. not sure what the compatibility process is
<peterm6881> understood
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 6dff9a: Update (
<Speedsaver> master @ Speedsaver/navit: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> master @ Speedsaver/navit: peterbmckinley ff87dc: Update (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 6c815b: Update (
Xogium has joined #Speedsaver
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 708247: Update (
<peterm6881> hey Xogium wb
<peterm6881> OR for individual ad hoc files e.g. OSM, place in translations directory and run:
<peterm6881> ./ yourfile.shp
<peterm6881> did you ever get this bit to work?
<Xogium> Jookia did the script
<Xogium> my other giant script calls on all of the files
<Xogium> if I recall correctly the script takes shp, converts to osm, then to bin
<Xogium> *converts
<peterm6881> i emailed you a sample file direct from osm
<peterm6881> its about 8 MB
<Xogium> this was designed to use shp files not osm
<Xogium> you wanted us to convert the shp files, so we made something that did
<Xogium> it takes shp, converts to osm, then bin
<peterm6881> its ok i'll figure it out, im trying to use maptool directly for the osm files
<peterm6881> sorry to bother you
<Xogium> it's fine
<Xogium> I was just explaining
<peterm6881> e.g: shapefiles/E2AM151H0EE2000AABCS
<peterm6881> Please place the map directories containing shapefiles in the shapefiles directory.
<peterm6881> And run this script again.
<Xogium> yes shapefiles, like I said
<Xogium> not osm
<peterm6881> while im waiting for maptool to complete I thought id try osm shapefiles again
<Xogium> ah
<Xogium> well isn't the message plus example obvious ?
<peterm6881> there are a bunch of shapefiles in the shapefiles diretory I created
<peterm6881> directory
<Jookia> the shapefiles need to go in sudirs
<peterm6881> the question is why dont we just create these directories when we clone the git
<Xogium> ugh been too long I made this
<Xogium> because you cannot add empty directory in git
<peterm6881> yeah lol you're right its been too long
<peterm6881> i forgot
<Jookia> shapefiles/mapset/E2AM151H0EE2000AABCS/Streets.shp
<Xogium> I think it expect one directory for shapefiles, then subdirectories containing shapefiles
<Jookia> yeah
<peterm6881> let me edit the readme
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 474e1a: Update (
<peterm6881> can you check the readme and let me know if I should make any changes
<Jookia> looks fine if you tested it
<peterm6881> no not yet, I wanted to be clear what the repo is expecting. I can edit again
<peterm6881> wait
<peterm6881> Jookia, did I understand you correctly that you were able to convert an osm file for your town?
<Jookia> yes
<Jookia> i used maptool for taht
<peterm6881> thats the part i couldnt get to work, so Im trying a shapefile set from Overpass API. Can you remember how you converted your osm file
<peterm6881> do you have the command
<Jookia> ./maptool -U out.bin < in.osm
<Jookia> replace out.bin with bin name
<Jookia> you want
<Jookia> and in.osm with path to osm file
<peterm6881> looks like osm uses the word roads instead of HERE's streets
<Jookia> probably yeah
<peterm6881> i see the scripts need the accompanying shx files, do they need anythuing else?
<Jookia> not sure
peterm6881 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> back
<peterm6881> board files have landed. Only a week late
<Jookia> nice
<peterm6881> ogr2osm filled my 8gb RAM then killed itself. Ive now increased my swap space from 0.5 GB to 16 GB. I can confirm the conversion script requires the associated shx file to shp files, but does not require .prj, .cpg or .dbf that normally also come as commponents of shapefiles
<peterm6881> thats more like it, machine still responsive
<peterm6881> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'items'
<peterm6881> sigh......
<peterm6881> sadly the scripts cant convert osm derived shapefiles from geofabrik (not Overpass API, thats for osm
<Jookia> yeah they're for HERE shapefiles only
<peterm6881> fair enough, I'll just have to try maptool again
<Jookia> gonna sleep. night everyone
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 6e309b: Update (
<peterm6881> night Jookia
<peterm6881> thanks for your help
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 887a43: Update (
<peterm6881> hi Xogium are you there?
<peterm6881> <map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/E1AM151H0EE1000AABCS.bin" />
<peterm6881> how do I put this in a readme in git? even in quotation marks it doesnt display it
<Xogium> huh try putting it inside a ``` block
<Xogium> so
<Xogium> ```
<Xogium> <map type="binfile" data="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/E1AM151H0EE1000AABCS.bin" />
<Xogium> ```
<Xogium> that indicates a block of code that should be left as is
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 7a74cc: Update (
<peterm6881> ooh thats nice, thank ou
<peterm6881> you
<peterm6881> option to copy it as well, brilliant
<Xogium> no problem
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 86f049: Update (
<peterm6881> ok I think im done with the ogr2osm-translations repo. I sthere anything you would change about the readme or does it make sense
<Speedsaver> ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley edited a repository
<Xogium> think it is fine
<peterm6881> its mainly for me, if a dumbass like me can understand it, and come back to and and make it work after 6 months, anybody can hop on there and get somewhere never having seen it
<peterm6881> Your speedsaver branch isn't protected
<peterm6881> Protect this branch from force pushing, deletion, or require status checks before merging. Learn more
<peterm6881> is this something I should be concerned about?
<Xogium> that basically means anyone in the repo can push to it
<Speedsaver> master @ Speedsaver/navit: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> master @ Speedsaver/navit: peterbmckinley 27ff82: Update (
<Xogium> so you, and john, probably
<peterm6881> I just reinstated your invitation, sorry for being a dickhead
<peterm6881> its mostly your work
<peterm6881> in the organisation I mean
<peterm6881> :/
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley 7daa80: Update (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley pushed 1 commit (
<Speedsaver> speedsaver @ ogr2osm-translations: peterbmckinley e48826: Update (
<peterm6881> Xogium, are you still there?
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/ogr2osm$ git status
<peterm6881> On branch speedsaver
<peterm6881> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
<peterm6881> Changes not staged for commit:
<peterm6881> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/speedsaver'.
<peterm6881> (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
<peterm6881> (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
<peterm6881> modified: translations (untracked content)
<peterm6881> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
<Xogium> anything you tweaked in there ?
<peterm6881> i know this is normal, its picked up translations has changed. But whats the correct way to bring it into alignment
<peterm6881> only the readme and the description
<peterm6881> im only improving the documentation
<peterm6881> im just a bit nervous to take any of the steps above in case I DO manage to break something
<Xogium> I'm confused though, how come you had no issue earlier ?
<peterm6881> theres no issue as such , git status on ogr2osm is simply recognising that something has changed in ogr2osm-translations
<peterm6881> wait let me try something
<peterm6881> cd
<peterm6881> oops
<peterm6881> na thats didnt help
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/ogr2osm$ git status
<peterm6881> On branch speedsaver
<peterm6881> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
<peterm6881> Changes not staged for commit:
<peterm6881> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/speedsaver'.
<peterm6881> (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
<Xogium> so you mean your local repo is out of sync with the master branch and you tried git pull ?
<peterm6881> (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
<peterm6881> modified: translations (untracked content)
<peterm6881> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
<peterm6881> whats it asking for
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/ogr2osm$ git pull
<peterm6881> Already up-to-date.
<peterm6881> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/speedsaver'.
<peterm6881> On branch speedsaver
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/ogr2osm$ git status
<peterm6881> Changes not staged for commit:
<peterm6881> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
<peterm6881> (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
<peterm6881> (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
<peterm6881> modified: translations (untracked content)
<peterm6881> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
<Xogium> so guessing you updated the readme with the github interface and then you're trying to sync the local repo
<Xogium> yes ?
<peterm6881> when im in ogr2osm and do a git pull i get already up to date
<Xogium> is that what you are trying to do though
<peterm6881> but when i do a git status on the dame git, it flags that translations had been modified
<peterm6881> same ffs
<Xogium> yes that's because the submodule is a git repo of its own
<peterm6881> understood, how do i synchronise them
<peterm6881> any idea?
<peterm6881> use "git add" and/or "git commit -a"
<peterm6881> one of these, or both?
<Xogium> you can try to pass --recurse-submodules to git pull
<Xogium> but not sure if it will work given you didn't do it before when you ran git pull
<Xogium> simplest might be to just reclone the thing if you get stuck
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/ogr2osm$ git pull --recurse-submodules
<peterm6881> Fetching submodule translations
<peterm6881> 6e309b7..e48826a speedsaver -> origin/speedsaver
<peterm6881> Already up-to-date.
<peterm6881> peter@peter-powermatemlxxx:~/ogr2osm$ git status
<peterm6881> On branch speedsaver
<peterm6881> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/speedsaver'.
<peterm6881> Changes not staged for commit:
<peterm6881> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
<peterm6881> (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
<peterm6881> (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
<peterm6881> modified: translations (untracked content)
<peterm6881> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
<peterm6881> yeah maybe
<peterm6881> ill do that
<Xogium> okay do a git restore on translation directory, then run git pull --recurse-submodules again
<Xogium> if that doesn't want to run just don't bother and reclone
<peterm6881> but wont git restore remove any changes I made locally?
<Xogium> I'd be able to get out of it myself but I know you are confused pretty fast
<Xogium> well so will the reclone
<peterm6881> yeah might as well reclone
<Xogium> maybe using a submodule is too involved for you
<peterm6881> oh for fuck sake
<peterm6881> ist ok ignore that comment
<peterm6881> its even
<peterm6881> all good, recloned
<peterm6881> build an image with a hybrid map that includes osm for ireland and northern ireland from geofabrik
<peterm6881> i'll test it tomorrow. Thanks for today
<peterm6881> building...
peterm6881 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jookia> morning
<Jookia> boo
<Xogium> hi
<Xogium> how's the Jookia
<Jookia> ok
<Xogium> good