peterm6881 has joined #Speedsaver
<peterm6881> hey Xogium
<peterm6881> time to lower the DAC volume, I discovered its possible to blow up the speaker :)
<peterm6881> We've gone from an amp less than 1 Watt, to an amp at 2.5 Watts, but the speaker is still the same 1 Watt speaker. Can you drop the volume on the Master DAC output from 100% to 41%. It wont let me set it to 40%
<peterm6881> dont change the version tag
<peterm6881> cheers
<Xogium> oww dang that's not nice
<Xogium> blowing the speaker part, that is
<Xogium> but yeah, I knew it could be done. Driving the amp too high for what the speaker can handle will most probably do that to any speaker
<Xogium> shouldn't it be the line out volume we lower ?
<Xogium> I actually never touched the DAC volume ever, my unit only set the line out volume
<Xogium> and unmute DAC
<peterm6881> well, you would only lower the line output if the source had become distorted due to overloading
<peterm6881> which it isnt
<peterm6881> think about it, what you want is a nice fat signal coming in, to keep it above the noise floor
<peterm6881> and then adjust the master volume to get the level you want, nice and clean
<Xogium> but then, what the hell blew up the speaker ?
<peterm6881> we upgraded the amplifier
<Xogium> why did it never blow up before ?
<peterm6881> read back
<Xogium> I mean on my speedsaver it was that big fat amp, and my line out and DAC were both to 100%
<peterm6881> We've gone from an amp less than 1 Watt, to an amp at 2.5 Watts, but the speaker is still the same 1 Watt speaker.
<Xogium> I'm kinda confused
<peterm6881> lol thats why yours frightened the horses in Belgium
<Xogium> I understand why it blew up but… if that's so, why did mine never blow up
<peterm6881> your never had either of the 1 Watt speakers we've used since I sent those
<Xogium> huh… really ?
<peterm6881> we've used two different 1 Watt speakers, one is mounted in the case, the other is PCB mounted on the HAT
<Xogium> hmm
<Xogium> but what's mine then ?
<peterm6881> yours has an ABS-230-RC, its rated at 4 Watts
<Xogium> oh
<Xogium> that explains it then
<peterm6881> i originally wanted really badass audio, for alternative use cases
<Xogium> and boy is it loud with that 2.5w amp
<peterm6881> but eh speaker is too expensive and too hard to mount
<peterm6881> the *
<peterm6881> the amp you have is an OEP3W module
<Xogium> hmm. Maybe this speaker would work on my player for the blind
<peterm6881> which uses the same 2.5 Watt amplifier we care currently using in the latest HATS. They initially didnt work, no audio output, but they are repaired now
<peterm6881> are *, not care
<Xogium> yeah I remember that. It's great you could fix it at home
<peterm6881> so, basically, the 2.5 Watt amp is able to fry the 1 Watt speaker. I thought it would be ok, given it only beeps occasionally
<Xogium> I guess not
<peterm6881> I knew it was likely we would need to drop the volume. Its desirable anyway, it will get rid of most of the crackles and hiss
<peterm6881> Ive done some testing and 41 on the DAC is the sweet spot
<peterm6881> it'll save me dropping them all through alsamixer and alsactl store
<peterm6881> have you had a good day?
<Xogium> hmm can't say good or bad, just plain ordinary day
<peterm6881> i havent even had dinner yet
<peterm6881> the lights are very bright on the Odyssey, i wish I hadnt bought a see through case :)
<peterm6881> gonna have to tape them up :)
<peterm6881> thanks for your help yesterday
<Xogium> oh did you get that tty stuff working ?
<peterm6881> its working perfectly on the sd card now
<peterm6881> yes, its getting the account to autologin
<peterm6881> i havent set up a playlist or anything, just commencting and uncommenting lines in ~/.profile same as before
<peterm6881> commenting
<Xogium> ah, good
<peterm6881> i noticed i couldnt ssh into it, i dont think its using port 22
<Xogium> hmmm no, it has no ssh installed by default
<Xogium> that's why
<peterm6881> ahh now you mention it, i think i saw that on the wiki
<peterm6881> i'll have to set that up
<peterm6881> any progress on the image for the nand?
<peterm6881> openssh-server, is that what I need?
<Xogium> yeah
<peterm6881> cheers
<peterm6881> default port 22?
<peterm6881> i presume
<peterm6881> i need to go eat
<Xogium> yes
<Xogium> as always
<peterm6881> ive seen 20 mentioned here and there
<peterm6881> but yeah
<Xogium> the default should always be 22
<Xogium> I've committed the DAC to 41% change
<peterm6881> thanks Xogium