Mudb0y has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
Mudb0y has quit [Quit: I've apparently had enough of IRC for today.]
Mudb0y has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
Mudb0y has quit [Client Quit]
Avron has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
f_[x] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Stromeko has quit [Quit: Going… gone.]
Stromeko has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
jcea has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
Mudb0y has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
Ad0 has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
Mudb0y has quit [Quit: I've apparently had enough of IRC for today.]
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jn has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
jn has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
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Stromeko has quit [Quit: Going… gone.]
Stromeko has joined ##raspberrypi-internals
jcea has joined ##raspberrypi-internals