<h_ro> Looks like ISE distributes one firmware with renumeration capability (smaller in size and supports fewer commands) in ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin, and firmware without renumeration (but with more commands supported) in ISE_DS/ISE/data. This is likely why I was having problems reading ESN (0xc0/0xb0/0x0042/0x0000/8) or blinking status LED (0x40/0xb0/0x2162/0x00f0)
<h_ro> Not sure how Vivado handles renumeration
<h_ro> Vivado does seem to load a different firmware to perform disconnect and renumeration then load the one present on disk afterwards.
<azonenberg> lolwut
<azonenberg> as with everything else xilinx it gets more cursed the deeper you dig