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<jancoow> How to configure openocd to utilise the reset pin when start conneting to a ATSAML21 target
<jancoow> it seems only to be working in hot plug mode
<Haohmaru> :/
<jancoow> however, due my program code I cannot use hot plug mode and want to use cold plug mode
<Haohmaru> is there that special procedure involved in this?
<Haohmaru> right "cold-plug"
<jancoow> so I now "bricked" my board to not be able to connect to it because i configured the debug pins in the software code
<jancoow> so need to wipe it in atmel studio in order to connect to it again..
<jancoow> Cold-Plugging is the detection of a debugger when the system is in reset. Cold-Plugging is detected
<jancoow> when the CPU reset extension is requested, as described above.
<Haohmaru> i was trying to do that on an SAME54 which i "secured" and it doesn't work, i found some old patch and posts about "cold-plug" implemented in the other "target" for the smaller SAM chips (cortex-M0+ and such) and i tried to use that
<jancoow> oh really?
<jancoow> so officially they only implemented hot plug mode?
<Haohmaru> i had to fool openocd that this is not a SAME54 and had to use an older version of openocd where this patch works
<Haohmaru> iirc
<jancoow> that's annoying for development as well..
<jancoow> strange nobody ever enabled cold plug mode
<Haohmaru> and iirc i tried to modify current openocd with this "cold-plug" thing but i failed to
<jancoow> it's the most easy one
<Haohmaru> i forgot the details, but basically newer openocd reads a few things on connect to the target, and when the chip is "protected" some of the registers read back as "errors" or something, but this is the expected behavior when "protected" and should be ignored, but openocd doesn't ignore it and stops at this point
<Haohmaru> or something like that, i don't remember anymore
<PaulFertser> jancoow: what exactly do you want for reset pin to do? "reset_config connect_assert_srst" probably?
<Haohmaru> actually, it might actually work on the MCUs which are on that config, my issue was that i needed it for SAME54 which is treated as a different thing in openocd
<Haohmaru> so listen to mr PaulFertser